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"Solves a major gap by giving easy to use keyword automation for converting social followers onto your email/sms list... Wish this was around years ago!"

j skis logo

Tyler, Marketing Manager J Skis

Jun 21, 2024 6:04:31 AM

Kulani Kinis Grows SMS List with 'Get Early Access' Instagram Ads

May 30, 2024 8:20:34 AM

J Skis Giveaway Converts 1,000+ Followers to Email/SMS in 5 Days

May 29, 2024 3:57:42 PM

How 'Renovate with Jen Jones' Drives Instagram Users to Her Ebook

Apr 26, 2024 6:33:28 AM

Lingua Franca converts 1,000+ Instagram Followers into Email Subscribers in Under 1 Week

Feb 13, 2024 12:03:20 PM

Kinsley Armelle Rewards Social Engagement with Loyalty Points & Social Snowball Affiliate Commissions

Oct 4, 2023 3:51:42 PM

Lucy & Co. achieves 5x Sales ROI in first 30 days and growing fast

Aug 25, 2023 4:55:11 PM

Dance Studio Increases Ad Conversions with Gatsby DM Auto-Replies

Aug 25, 2023 4:31:25 PM

Case Study: Orttu generates 16x ROI from community

Aug 25, 2023 4:18:20 PM

Kulani Kinis Sunchaser Program: Case-Study / Playbook

"We've added about 300+ SMS subs in our first two days already with Gatsby. Great start!"

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Josh S Marketing at Le Vian

"The auto DM feature is brilliant, really straightforward to set up! Keyword syncing in Klaviyo is slick. Gatsby dashboard and the ability to download high quality social content is excellent."

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Joshua, Operations Manager Pets Love Fresh

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Renée, Email Marketing at CBC

"We've seen a 69% increase in our SMS subscriber growth rate thanks to Gatsby and this approach. We're on track to add hundreds of new subscribers monthly from this, with minimal time and cost."

Love the list growth feature, super easy to set up for collecting new email & SMS subscribers in Klaviyo! Love the experience, it feels super natural to instagram!

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Enlil, Social Manager GORGIE Clean Energy Drink

Steven, Founder at Kinsley Armelle

"Gatsby has been an impressive app for a few years now. What really sets this software apart is the commitment to ongoing development and evolution in a direction that makes sense for customers..."

Read the whole review

"The integration with Klaviyo is as close to seamless and perfect as you can get!"

Katelynn Cheekbone Beauty

Fast is fun little trouble
Dinah, Founder at Little Trouble

"This is so fun! We use ManyChat too but they don't offer any kind of Klaviyo integration like this. Gatsby's new DM feature is allowing us to get more value out of our active Instagram community by turning those followers into SMS subscribers..."

Read the whole review

This app adds huge value to our pet brand... The Klaviyo/Instagram integration empowers our brand to scale our email marketing via our brand's most exposed social channel: Instagram.


Aaron, Founder Bailey's CBD Oil for Pets