Update to Instagram Story Tracking: Track Story Mentions From All Your Micro Influencers Automatically
Update to Instagram Story Tracking: Track Story Mentions From All Your Micro Influencers Automatically
In our first of many exciting product releases to come in 2022, we are thrilled to announce a big update to our Instagram Stories feature:
- You can now track Story Mentions from everyone in your Gatsby account automatically
- All Story mentions are timestamped and logged in your dashboard
- All Story mentions sync with your ESP like Klaviyo, Omnisend, Sailthru, and your tools like Gorgias and Yotpo Loyalty.
Install on Shopify
Already have an account? Follow these two quick steps to activate the new Story tracking.
This new feature allows you to automatically track when any of your customers / influencers @mention your brand in their Instagram Story – functionality that is no longer limited to “creator” accounts, and no additional steps are required by your influencers.

With this new feature, you’ll be able to view all story content (videos and images) that you are @tagged in within 24 hours of the post. After 24 hours, the content disappears (in compliance with Instagram guidelines), but the “mentioned you” event remains time-stamped in your Gatsby account indefinitely, so you’ll still be able to keep track of all mentions.
No more 24-hour anxiety, no more fear of missing Story mentions.

And of course, this Instagram Story tracking event syncs with your customer’s record in Klaviyo or your preferred ESP so you can automate thank you's and reward flows for Story mentions.

For existing customers, you just need to disconnect and reconnect your Instagram account to get the new feature. Step-by-step here
For new customers, install our app on Shopify or sign up here to get started.