As you may already know, Apple recently released the much-anticipated iOS 14. This new operating system features some amazing changes, such as the addition of widgets to the home screen, the ability to search within apps, and useful updates to the Messages app (our personal favorite!), but did you know it also includes some key changes that may impact your paid social strategy? Here’s what you need to know, and what you can do it about it:
What to know: How iOS 14 will affect your Facebook Ads
The biggest change affecting Facebook Ads is limitations to data that the pixel will receive and report. Users will be prompted to approve tracking when they first open an app (such as Facebook or Instagram). This means they will need to “opt in” to share certain data that was previously shared by default. This data tracks behavior such as conversions, which is especially key for determining the success of a paid social ad, but also includes demographic information such as geographic location, making it harder to refine ad targeting. For most Facebook marketers, the pixel is their primary source of information, but if a user denies tracking, the pixel is rendered useless. In other words, you will miss important conversion data from users who opt out of tracking, and if a significant number of users opt out, Facebook ads just won’t be what they used to. Many experts have long portended the demise of Facebook ads, but as we see it, it’s simply an opportunity to leverage the data Gatsby offers to complement your paid social strategy.
What you can do:
We hope this helps you navigate the changes that are coming. And, of course, we’d love to hear how you’re adapting your paid social strategy. Drop us a line!